How the quadrant approach works.
Life doesn't exist in only one area; we created the quadrants approach to make it easier for clients to deal with what isn't working in a specific area of life.
The quadrants overlap each other and cover all of life, working in this way prevents clients from getting stuck in something ambiguous or even absurd, like “work - life balance.”
The greatest benefit of our quadrants approach
is that it makes it easier to see life laid out.
This makes it easy for us to diagnose imbalances and even anticipate breakdowns and breakthroughs in specific areas. That way we can plan for them with specific coaches, coaching and strategies.
Relationships - Self & Others
Working on yourself is as important as working on things in your life. Some people really don't get that to get anything in life, you need to work on yourself first. This Quadrant starts at the core, with the self and expands out to all of your interactions with others in the world.
What we often discover is, if people are having breakdowns in any area of life, they don't have a great relationship or attitude towards their inner self.
One of the more common symptoms of people that don't have a great relationship with themselves, is that they make themselves and other people wrong all the time. To the other people in their lives, these individuals may occur as never truly being happy or complainers.
Even though they might feel okay, they're usually stressful for the people in their lives.
I Need Coaching is a collaborative coaching community
promising fast results and The Transformation You
Need - Guaranteed or the Coaching is free.
I Need Coaching changed my life and held me accountable in ways no other coaching ever had before. At the time, I didn't fully understand coaching, and I was somewhat resistant. But, now that I know the power of coaching and what it makes possible, I can see what a difference the Coaching Community made to my life. I can see how they called me forth and held me as someone greater than I knew myself to be. Thanks Coaches! You continue to be such an inspiration to me!!"
- Maureen S.