Initial Consult

(consultation with Shawn Bearman)

If you’ve exhausted mentorship, counselling and personal development — I Need Coaching's proven methodology may be the key to your swift and permanent transformation, guaranteed or the coaching is free.

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I Need Coaching is a collaborative Coaching Community promising fast results and The Transformation You Need - Guaranteed

Feeling overwhelmed?

Trying to get unstuck?

Suffering from limiting beliefs?

I Need Coaching provides you with the framework for integrated balanced living, aligned with your Being.

Our job is to guide you toward purposeful alignment, with a focus on your unique gifts.

Your job is to show up!

Admittance is restricted to qualified applicants only. Program candidates are screened for suitability in a 25-minute, risk-free Zoom consultation, where you will receive a comprehensive assessment and discover exactly when you can expect your transformation.

A $247 upfront charge, your consultation fee will be refunded, no questions asked, if you decide your Comprehensive Coaching Plan is not right for you.

Shawn get it’s done with velocity and love! Her innate ability to see what’s holding you back, allows you to move through it and get right to the source of it, creating opportunities for action and forward motion. If you truly want the life you say you want, strap in and surrender to the process and it’ll happen. "

 - Dawn F.

I Need Coaching is a collaborative coaching community promising fast results and The Transformation You

Need - Guaranteed or the Coaching is free.


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