Imagine a collaborative coaching community that works, guaranteed.

Get The Transformation You Need, Impact-Based Collaborative Coaching

Limited spaces available. Find out if you qualify.

Join Our Collaborative Community and Coach the Way You Were Meant To.

Limited spaces available. Now open to select coaches.

I got the coaching I needed when I needed it the most

- Jackie F.

Is your daily life impacted by...

  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Overwhelm
  • Frustration
  • Sense of Self-Doubt
  • Recurring inner dialogue
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Living An Unfulfilled Existence
  • Lost In Your Own Thoughts
  • Feeling Stuck or Aimless
  • Don’t Know How To Take The Next Step?

If you’ve exhausted mentorship, counselling and personal development — I Need Coaching's proven methodology may be the key to your swift and permanent transformation, guaranteed.

I have worked with Shawn for many years. She helps entrepreneurs to move forward in whatever they are up to. She is committed, compassionate and brings the best out of people so they can be successful in the world."

- Wendy B.

When I first came to I Need Coaching, my primary concern was whether or not I was going to be able to work again from the stress created by my last "toxic Work Environment. After the interview I realized that I had to first qualify to be accepted as a client. That was in June… Now it’s August and my life has completely changed. The fear is gone. I do my self care routine daily, and this morning, as I am in London on business, I went for a run in Hyde park. I haven’t felt this capable and sure of myself for years. Best of all, I have proven all the people who told me I was old, stuck with this, or needing to retire Dead Wrong.

- Tom S.

I Need Coaching is a collaborative coaching community

promising fast results and The Transformation You

Need - Guaranteed or the Coaching is free.

Admittance is restricted to qualified applicants only. Program candidates are screened for suitability in a 25-minute, risk-free Zoom consultation, where you will receive a comprehensive assessment and discover exactly when you can expect your transformation.

A $247 upfront charge, your consultation fee will be refunded, no questions asked, if you decide your comprehensive I Need Coaching Plan is not right for you.

You’ll leave your risk free consultation equipped with a full assessment, clarity on whether this program is right for you, and a plan of action, including referrals (if requested) to Shawn’s network of expert coaches and programs -- whether or not you chose to move forward with the I Need Coaching membership.

If you decide that I Need Coaching is not right for you, your consultation fee will be fully refunded using your original method of payment.

3 things you must know about I Need Coaching, especially if

you’re considering hiring a coach:

(1) The coach you need today may not be the coach you need in three months

When our clients first start working with a coach they focus on a particular area of life. When we work through that area of life and cause results the client ends up in a situation where they no longer need that same kind of coaching for the next area or next level.

The I Need Coaching community allows you to have your pick of a plethora of coaches with different categories and strengths. You may need a specific coach or coaching right now, but in six months, you will need something completely different. (Because the coaching works) With an individual coach, you can get locked into a contract and not be aligned with that coach for the long term.

As an I Need Coaching client, because the coaching actually works, you’re going to need to change coaches. Since we already have a plan B and a Plan C ready for you, you're going to be able to get everything you need in one place.

If you pull somebody off the internet and it turns out they're not the right coach for you (and just as often if they are) you’re either – stuck with that coach for months or worse yet, because they did their job and got you the results you needed – or you are back to searching for your next coach.

"90 days is enough time for your coach to get you the transformation

you need. If it's not, we'll give you different coach.

When IT IS the Right Coach, you're going to need a different one anyway.

That's called a Win/Win."

-Shawn B.

(2) We base our methodology on the principle that there are four main areas of life

When we look at coaching in terms of the 4 quadrants approach, 4 in 5 people are generally imbalanced.

When correctly applied, the I Need Coaching "4 Quadrants" methodology brings alignment to life one quadrant at a time, reliably and sustainably.

Moving from coach to coach one quarter at a time allows for the collaborative model to facilitate consistent growth and provide specific support to the client for the transformation they need at the time.

Since our coaching works, is effective, causes results and is guaranteed to give you the transformation you need, you can anticipate this FACT.

A breakthrough in one area of life is going to cause a breakdown in another area.

But then again, that's how life works. Right? It ebbs and flows...

One moment we're in an ebb and the next minute we're in the flow. In life, we can pretty much guarantee a breakdown will happen again, especially if you cause a breakthrough. It's like a muscle that has to tear down a little bit to work and get stronger. You'll handle one area of and it shows you what's missing in another in exactly the same way.

With our clients, we'll get one area of life Working So Well - It becomes completely obvious what needs to happen in the others.

(3) Multi-dimensional coaching is unlimited and the community model leverages this fact.

The I Need Coaching community is trained in 2 comprehensive systems.

The 4 quadrants approach is a part of a complete body of work (80/20 Planning) This system has been used effectively by thousands of clients over the past 20 years to bring a whole life approach to purposeful productivity and level up life one area at a time.

The proprietary empowerment process of Reclaim Your Power moves clients from upset to empowered with astonishing speed. This system is utilized by every I Need Coaching team member to support clients to eliminate blocks and get them back to fulfilling their vision and goals, so the real coaching can be done.

Shawn Bearman, founder and Master Coach at I Need Coaching, created the 4 quadrants approach and Reclaim Your Power systems and has applied them to thousands of clients over the past 20 years.

Today Shawn's clients are thriving with balanced purpose and productivity in every area of life.

I Need Coaching Coaches get it done with velocity and love! Their innate ability to see what’s holding you back, allows you to move through it and get right to the source of it, creating opportunities for action and forward motion. If you truly want the life you say you want, strap in and surrender to the process and it’ll happen. "

- Dawn F.

Your transformation is our promise.

I Need Coaching's proven collaborative system begins and ends with a promise — both backed by our "coaching is free" guarantee. So you can rest easily knowing we stake our success on yours.

I Need Coaching promises you’ll get the transformation you need.

We'll cover the cost of your coaching if

  • Your transformation isn't consistent with your guaranteed results timeline, or
  • You relapse after completing I Need Coaching’s one year program.

Know your plan before you start.

Your pathway to transformation begins with a 25 minute commitment-free Zoom consultation with I Need Coaching’s founder and Master Coach, Shawn Bearman. After your comprehensive assessment, you’ll discover your guaranteed results timeline and coaching map, so you can decide whether I Need Coaching is right for you before you enrol.

A fully refundable $247.00 USD deposit is required to book your consultation.

  • If you’re accepted into the I Need Coaching one year program, the full deposit will be applied toward your onboarding fee.
  • If you decide I Need Coaching is not right for you, the consultation fee will be fully refunded using your original method of payment.

I want to know the soonest I can be accepted.

I Need Coaching changed my life and held me accountable in ways no other coaching ever had before. At the time, I didn't fully understand coaching, and I was somewhat resistant. But, now that I know the power of coaching and what it makes possible, I can see what a difference the Coaching Community made to my life. I can see how they called me forth and held me as someone greater than I knew myself to be. Thanks Coaches! You continue to be such an inspiration to me!!"

- Maureen S.

The I Need Coaching Collaborative System

Each year I Need Coaching enrols a limited number of committed participants in our one-year, collaborative coaching program. Participants graduate transformed in all areas of life with I Need Coaching's unheard of guarantee.

The I Need Coaching system incorporates multiple styles of Impact based coaching partnered with a tribe of niche experts and a proven structure for balanced productivity.

Over the course of one year, participants master specific practices, customized to their unique needs and goals.

Each week participants set aside time to complete:

  • weekly personal coaching session
  • personal planning tasks
  • balanced life work
  • small group coaching
  • personal empowerment exercises

The I Need Coaching program includes:

Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, which means you can get the transformation you need anywhere you are, in the time it takes you to drive to work. (Many coaches charge $1500 - $3000/month or more regardless of the quality and without a guarantee.)

Value: $12,000

Comprehensive 25 minute consultation and assessment with I Need Coaching founder Shawn Bearman, where we get to the bottom of your needs and you discover your guaranteed results timeline.

Value: $297

PLUS - Access to all I Need Coaching services, so you can streamline healthy balance in all areas of your life (not just your one).

8020 Planning Subscription - A comprehensive "All Areas Of Life" Productivity Program

Value: $324

Reclaim Your Power - The number one way to move from Disempowered to Empowered with Ease and Velocity

Value: $497

Total Value $13,615

Actual Investment: $600 USD/Month

Limited Time Bonus Offer

NOTE: This is limited to the first 10 applicants only

Accepted applicants who apply to I Need Coaching by November 30, 2022 – are eligible to receive an additional $1,000 USD Fast Start bonus absolutely free.

And Prorated Access to I Need Coaching: Years 2-3.

Ongoing support is available. Access all I Need Coaching content, including new courses and programs created during the 3 year term, at a significant discount for up to 2 years after you graduate the one year program.

Value: up to $5,500

Total Value: up to $19,115 USD

Actual Investment: $5,500 USD

About I Need Coaching Founder Shawn Bearman

Shawn Bearman is a Master Coach specializing in business. A multi-entrepreneur who guides clients with outside of the box creativity required to cause exponential results. Known as “The Coach’s Coach” she assists business owners and consultants to architect accomplishment plans that cause on-the-court results.

Starting her first business at 9, by the time Shawn was 13, she had three businesses, one with 20 employees.

Shawn's life is about demonstrating what it looks like to make a difference on the planet and having people love each other.

It’s our unique background, extensive experience and training, and proven methods that empower us to make nuanced observations, specific predictions — and guarantees — concerning your coaching.

You benefit from a collaborative approach that has been tested and proven on the most extreme cases, which means wherever you are on the fast track to achievement or the lows of total overwhelm, you’re in the right hands to get the care and results you need.

"Anything that Shawn is involved in goes well. She is amazing and has an unparalleled level of integrity."

- Jeffrey T.

The I Need Coaching System

Beyond proven methods and promised results, here’s what makes

I Need Coaching truly unique:

  • Transformation Guaranteed

Most I Need Coaching clients feel a significant shift in 10 sessions or less, so you’ll see improvement faster than your first quarter, which means you’ll be living life to the fullest in no time.

  • Available where you are.

Just because you’re stuck in one area of life, doesn’t mean you’re not on the go. I Need Coaching’s online delivery model means you can improve in the time it takes you to drive to and from your appointment, in the comfort of your own home — or anywhere in the world — so you have more time for things that matter.

  • The Coaching You Need

It takes just one session a week over one year to set you up for a lifetime of progress, so you won’t spend your whole life, and life savings, in coaching. Which means you’ll have the time, money and freedom to knock the next item off your bucket list.

  • Everything you need to succeed (and more!).

Over $1,500 in bonuses, including additional programs hand selected by Shawn, absolutely free. So you won’t waste time and money sourcing expensive training and extra support.

  • Ongoing Support. Like a little structure?

The first year is just the starting point of your personal I Need Coaching Journey: Participants who desire so may access all I Need Coaching content at a significant discount up to 2 years after graduation.

  • Know how and when before you enroll.

So you can decide if our guaranteed results timeline and treatment methods are right for you before you commit.

  • The transformation you need or the coaching is free.

Our money is where our mouth is. We’re so confident in our methods and process, if you don't get the transformation you need, the coaching is FREE. Our success completely depends on your improvement.

You Should Be Skeptical

Our unheard of recovery times and money back guarantees are real — but they come with a catch: You need to do the work.

Exhaustive experience and proven methods make it easy for Shawn to predict the course and outcome of your transformation within 3 months — if you adhere to our custom process and work with your coach.

If you don’t comply with appointments and the coaching you are given, you will not succeed in this program.

Because our reputation and financial viability depends on your success, which specifically depends on your compliance with your personal coaching plan, our guarantee is voided by noncompliance with appointments and prescribed practices.

You May Not be a Candidate

In order to offer our exclusive money back guarantee, we only enrol participants inclined to succeed: those with the intention and ability to complete their customized one-year coaching program.

The fact is, I Need Coaching may not be right for you if you are unable or unwilling to fully commit to scheduled appointments, prescribed exercises and supplemental activities.

Successful candidates come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and professions and generally share a/an:

  • Ability and willingness to commit to a plan and work through the breakdowns that precede every breakthrough
  • History of complying with prescribed practices and following clear instructions
  • Interest in complementary practices and willingness to participate in 80/20 Planning and the Reclaim Your Power program (included)
  • Interest in and ability to attend bonus training and events offered by the community - 8020 Planning Annual (travel and accommodations not included)

I’ve carefully considered these requirements

and I think I’m a candidate.

Get Started Today

I Need Coaching is open to qualified candidates only. Your suitability for the program will be established in a 25 minute commitment-free Zoom consultation with I Need Coaching's founder and Master Coach, Shawn Bearman.

You’ll receive a comprehensive assessment and discover your guaranteed results timeline and quadrant map, so you can decide whether I Need Coaching is right for you before you register.

The consultation fee is a refundable $247.00 USD, due before your consultation.

If you decide that I Need Coaching is right for you, the full consultation deposit will be applied toward your ($500) onboarding fee.

If you decide I Need Coaching is not right for you, the consultation fee will be fully refunded using your original method of payment.


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