Coaching By The Quadrant

Our clients explore their challenges with coaches who apply the expert attention

needed to cultivate wisdom, ideas and growth. This enables powerful solutions to

emerge, greater impact to be achieved and clients to feel more energized and

fulfilled by the actions they take.

Why The “Areas Of Life”?

How the quadrant approach works.

Life doesn't exist in only one area; we created the quadrants approach to make it easier for clients to deal with what isn't working in a specific area of life.

The quadrants overlap each other and cover all of life, working in this way prevents clients from getting stuck in something ambiguous or even absurd, like “work - life balance.”

The greatest benefit of our quadrants approach

is that it makes it easier to see life laid out.

This makes it easy for us to diagnose imbalances and even anticipate breakdowns and breakthroughs in specific areas. That way we can plan for them with specific coaches, coaching and strategies.

"Anything that Shawn is involved in goes well. She is amazing and has an unparalleled level of integrity."

- Jeffrey T.

Health & Wellbeing

This category covers your physical, mental and emotional health and wellness.

Health coaches mentor, inspire, guide and motivate clients to make positive health choices taking into account the concept of biodiversity – the belief that everyone is different and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to the health issues that may challenge each individual client.

If we are dealing with the health and wellbeing quadrant you might work with a specialist in nutrition and eating, a specialist in physical fitness, or a specialist that only coaches you because you're an Ironman.

On the other side of this quadrant, you might work with a coach that specialises in mindfulness, and deal with the fact that your mind races all the time. You might learn meditation or other mindfulness practices.

This quadrant covers everything from the physical, mental and emotional limitations of ourselves.

Another example of someone who specializes in emotional well being is a relationship coach. Our emotional well being is completely and utterly connected to the relationships we have in our ability to relate to the people we care about.

In some cases, a relationship coach might bridge two quadrants and do health and well being work with you while also managing your relationship with yourself and your relationship with other people.

We can assume that a lot of clients who are having imbalances with their relationships with other people: whether it's an intimate relationship like a significant other or their partner, a professional relationship like their boss, or peers at work, they probably need to work on their relationship with themselves first.

I Need Coaching changed my life and held me accountable in ways no other coaching ever had before. At the time, I didn't fully understand coaching, and I was somewhat resistant. But, now that I know the power of coaching and what it makes possible, I can see what a difference the Coaching Community made to my life. I can see how they called me forth and held me as someone greater than I knew myself to be. Thanks Coaches! You continue to be such an inspiration to me!!"

- Maureen S.

I Need Coaching is a collaborative coaching community

promising fast results and The Transformation You

Need - Guaranteed or the Coaching is free.


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